Metal Monkeys(Name by Phil and Robert): born: 2.7.1998 )yeah, once apon the time... :-) ) Everything began, when Phil and Conny sat together and thought about founding a band... Short after they decided to integrate they classmate Robert in the band. He emediatly wanted to play the guitar in the band, although he had just played accustic, yet. But fortunatly his uncle had an electric guitar, that Robert very pleased took. This was his first electric guitar and the first instrument, of the Metal Monkeys. Phil got a short time after his bass, he just had played Contrabass, which was to boring for him after 2 years and so he decided to play the electric bass. Conny got his guitar as the last, cause there was problems with it, like phils bass Now to the room: They room was furnished in Connis House, at the bottom. After a few hours of furnishing, the room was ready to play in and the Metal Monkeys began to play the first songs.
lyrics pics and all the other stuff,presented on this sites are owned by the Metal-Monkeys and must not be copied. |